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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TrueU - Lesson 2 - Big Bang Cosmology Pt 1

The Unauthorized Outline Notes for TrueU

02 - Big Bang Cosmology Pt 1

New Atheists assert: There’s no positive evidence for God’s existence

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. (2) Day to day
pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. (3) There is no
speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard. (4) Their line has gone
out through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world. … -
Psalm 19:1-5

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power
and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has
been made
, so that they are without excuse. - Romans 1:20

John Ray – The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation

Newton on Nature “Though these bodies may indeed continue in their orbits by
mere laws of gravity, yet they could by no means have at first derived the
regular position of the orbits themselves from those laws. Thus, this most
beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the
council and dominion of an intelligent powerful Being.” -- General Scholium to
the Principia

Pierre Laplace (1802)
Explain the origin of the solar system by reference to the law of gravity alone. With no design.

Douglas Futuyma, Evolutionary Biologist
“By coupling the undirected,
purposeless variations to the blind, uncaring process of natural selection,
Darwin made the theological or spiritual explanations of the life processes

At the time, physicists believed that the universe was infinite in time and space.

Stephen Hawking, Theoretical Physicist

Problem: Material causes all the way back

What caused human life to arise?
-- evolved from lower animals.
Where did they come from?
-- still lower animals.
Where did they come from?
-- amoeba or single-celled organism.
Where did that come from?
-- simpler chemicals.
Where did they come from?
-- elementary particles.
Where did they come from?
-- they were there all the time.

1800’s Materialism worldview arises (Scientific Materialism)
From eternity were the particles, and the particles became complex, living stuff. And the living stuff became aware, and the living stuff conceived of god. Matter first god second.
View of the Universe
- Eternal
- Self-existent
- Self-creating
- Self-organizing
- Autonomous from any outside forces

No design, no purpose, no god

Richard Dawkins
“Creative intelligences, being evolved, necessarily arrive
late in the universe, and therefore cannot be responsible for designing it. God,
in the sense defined, is a delusion … a pernicious delusion.”
The God Delusion (p 31)

The mechanics that produces the change, all the new forms of life, is not just chance, is random variances being acted upon by natural selection. It is undirected, but not chance.

Theorist worldview
God first matter second. God spoke matter into existence as described in Genesis.

1920’S New idea
Edwin Hubble first to discover that there are more galaxies beyond our own. He also noticed that the further the galaxy was away, the faster it was receding.

Doppler Effect or Doppler shift, In Sound if a train is traveling away from you sound goes down. In light it does the same thing. The spectrum moves toward the red when moving away the fix point.

It showed the universe is expanding. Which means when you go back in time there would be point of a beginning?

Albert Einstein - The Theory of Relativity
Gravity would cause bending in space. To a point of collapse. Therefore there must be some counter and greater force that is expanding to balance out the gravity force.

If you have an expanding universe therefore you must have a beginning point. This implies the need for a cause beyond the universe.

Sir Arthur Eddington
“Philosophically the notion of a beginning of the
present order is repugnant to me. I should like to find a genuine loophole. I
simply do not believe the present of things started off with a bang … the
expanding universe is preposterous … it leaves me cold.”

“An infinitely old universe would relieve us of the necessity of understanding
the origin of matter at any finite time in the past.”
-- Robert Dicke, Princeton 1965

Everything that begins to exist must have a cause.
The Universe began to exist therefore the universe must have a cause that transcends itself.

“Here is evidence for what can only be described as a supernatural event. There
is no way that this could have been predicted within the realm of physics as we
know it.”
-- Allan Sandage, Astronomer

“This is an exceedingly strange development, unexpected by all but the
theologians. They have always accepted the word of the Bible: In the beginning
God created heaven and earth. … It is unexpected because science has had such
extraordinary success in tracking the chain of cause and effect backward in
-- Robert Jastrow, Astronomer

“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story
ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to
conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted
by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”
-- Robert Jastrow, Astronomer

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